Programme Vagalume
Rúa Loureiros, 3 / Tel.: 981 585 515 / 627 404 814
Vagalume was created in the 1990’s by the Oblata sisters with the support of Caritas Diocesan of Santiago de Compostela. Its aim was to provide a comprehensive response to the needs and requirements of those women who are linked to prostitution and/or are victims of human trafficking for sexual exploitation.
- Knowing directly the reality of prostitution by approaching the places where it occurs: clubs, bars and flats.
- Being a reference point where women and their children can find aid, information, orientation and where they can start a recovery process.
- Mediate between women and the different resources
- Promoting their autonomy
- Identifying, taking in and accompanying women who are victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation during the process of personal recovery
- Informing and making the society in general aware of the situation of women who are victims of sexual exploitation and trafficking
Our projects:
- Day centre: asylum, legal advice, social and work orientation, psychological and health care, training workshops, accompaniment
- Shelter flats and flats intended to provide autonomy
- Psychological centre for families: social and familiar interventions and educational psychology with families and in the area of psychology, education, health care and living with minors.
- Work on the street: we approach places where women engage in prostitution in order to know their situation, needs and requirements, carry out precautionary and informational actions (social and health care, rapid HIV test…), distribute prophylactic material.