Praza 8 de marzo

Praza 8 de marzo / Praza Porta do Camiño
  • plaza 8M

In 2004, Mulheres Nacionalistas Galegas suggested in the Municipal Women’s Council naming a square Praza 8 de marzo. The request lodged with the Local Government stressed that it should be a place in the centre which would ensure women’s importance far from the models of gazetteer that they are usually assigned by patriarchy.

With the support of other groups of women of the city, the persistence in the Municipal Women’s Council helped the proposal to be finally approved in a plenary session of the corporation in November 2007.

From then on, the Praza 8 de marzo became a meeting point for events organised by the city’s feminist movement. It is where the calls made every time that an attack or a male chauvinist murder happen in Galicia take place. Also the demonstrations on 8th of March and the 25th of November or to defend the right of abortion take place here.

It is also a strategic place for the quarter of San Pedro due to its location next to the Rúa de San Pedro where the markets, concerts etc. are organised.