Information Office for women of Santiago’s local government

Rúa Isaac Díaz Pardo, 2 / Tel.: 981 542 465
  • Information Office for women of Santiago’s local government

Permanent comprehensive service which is meant to provide consultancy, assistance, guidance and information to women both individually and collectively.

The Information Office for Women is meant to be a specific service of the Councillorship of Equality to provide information, orientation, coordination with instances of Santiago de Compostela’s Local Government and other instances as well as to refer people to other instances.

The aim of the Office is to be a municipal resource which centralises information about the city’s specific services and resources regarding this issue.

Their staff is composed by the following professionals: director, psychologist, legal advisor, social worker and administrative assistant.


It provides the following services:

  • Information and legal advise
  • Information, orientation and social advise
  • Psychological care
  • Specific assistance to women who are victims of gender violence.


Its functions are:

  • Informing and making citizens aware of the validity and enforcement of the principle of equality between women and men.
  • Acting as a communication tool between its users and the different relevant authorities in matters of equality.
  • Providing information about courses, researches and workshops about equal opportunities.
  • Organising of conferences, workshops and courses in terms of equal opportunities.
  • Providing specific assistance to women who are victims of gender violence.
  • Fostering the setting up of associations and the involvement of women in civil society.
  • Any other activity which fits with the main aim of attaining equality.