Fiadeiras Work Group

Rúa de Lisboa, 20. Bajo C / Tel.: 981 552 206
  • Fiadeiras Work Group - Women's Terrain

Our aim is to create a place where social workers of our community can meet, reflect and perform their professional activity. This space is intended to brake the sexist models which nowadays are still slowing down the progress towards a democratic and fair society.

Equality, Social Justice, Sisterhood and Non-violence are the essential values that underpin our daily work; this values are imperative for the commitment of the Association of Social Educators of Galicia (Ceesg)’s praxis and for the consolidation of gender equality as a central value of teaching.

The actions carried out by Fiadeiras follow a two-pronged approach since they are of internal and external nature; that is, an “intercollegiate” work focused on the Governing Board, the staff and the collegiate members is combined with another work aimed at the citizens in general. Here we can highlight Fiadeiras active engagement in the Galician feminist movement and its cooperation with other entities in the social and educational sector.

We gather the actions carried out in three big blocks:

  • Training activities: they are intended to improve social educator’s knowledge in matters of gender equality between women and men by introducing gender perspective as an essential element of their professional activity.
  • Protest activities: they are intended to speak out against discrimination which is still an active issue and limit the potential development of women.
  • Cultural activities: they are intended to promote women’s engagement in the cultural and community life by creating forums to discuss and reflect about the possibility of a world that is not only male-dominant.