Equality Commission. Council of Galician Culture

Pazo de Raxoi, Praza do Obradoiro s/n, 2º / Tel.: 981 957 202
  • Equality Commission. Council of Galician Culture

This commission focuses on requests and questions related to women, feminism, gender and equality from the commission itself and from the Galician public authorities, different kinds of entities and particular persons (researchers, teachers and people who are interested in general). It organizes public reflection and debate workshops which delve into women’s role in different spaces and sectors of social relations. It promotes every year together with the Galician Centre of Image Arts the film series Olladas de mulleres no mundo (Glances of women around the world). It also has a fund of documentary, bibliographical, hemerographic and archival materials linked to the production of the organised feminisms in Galicia since the mid-1960’s and which can be accessed directly in situ.

Furthermore, in order to recover and facilitate gradually the access to information, data, voices, images, documents, works and individual and collective paths of Galician women and/or women linked to Galicia it coordinates the digital documentary resource Álbum de mulleres (Album of women), which is composed of the following spaces: Bibliographies, timelines, specials, workshops, cartography and interesting links. Other initiatives of this commission are other digital resources as Hemeroteca Feminista Galega A Saia (Feminist Galician Newspaper Library A Saia) or Epistolario de Rosalía de Castro (Collection of Letters of Rosalía de Castro), both created in cooperation with the Centre Dona i Literatura of the University of Barcelona.