Abramos o círculo programme

Official Psychology Association of Galicia/ Rúa da Espiñeira, 10/ Tel.: 981 534 049
  • Obradoiro Abramos o círculo

It is a programme intended for men who voluntarily want to change their situation and eliminate aggressiveness in their relationship with their family and specially with their women.

It is a programme developed through the cooperation agreement between the Vice President of the Ministry of Presidency, Public Administrations and Justice through the General Secretariat for Equality and the Official Psychology Association of Galicia.

Abramos o Círculo is structured in a network of 75 psychologists spread throughout Galicia. They work towards two aims: on the one hand, preventing gender violence and on the other hand, offering assistance and therapy to those men who want to learn to solve conflicts without violence and to communicate in a more appropriate way with their families and specially with their partner.

This programme is intended for men who have problems managing violence and who voluntarily and without any risk of being punished wish to:

  • Learn to solve conflicts without violence and to understand the nature of violence.     
  • Learn to communicate better.
  • Interact with women in a respectful and equal manner.
  • Educate their sons and daughters equally.
  • Take on positive habits in coexistence and relationship.

Ten sessions of individual psychological assistance are planned. The sessions can be increased following the authorisation of the programme’s coordinator and the authorisation of the General Secretariat for Equality. This would ensure psychological assistance in 24 to 48 hours from the time when it is requested.