In Black Against Violence Campaign

November 25, 2016
by: Department of Equality. Local government Santiago

The aim of the awareness campaign “In Black Against Violence” is to promote and make the rejection of the citizens towards male violence visible. It was developed by the local government of Santiago de Compostela on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, on the 25th of November. The action, which was supported by more than 500 establishments, consisted in dying the city black through shop windows, mannequins, working clothes; dressing for mourning as a sign of pain for all the women who suffer male violence and as an answer to the worst of consequences: death.

Report on the action “Compostela in Black”:


Given the influence of last year’s campaign and with the objective of multiplying and extending the social incidence of this campaign, this year, sixteen Galician towns joined their efforts to develop the awareness campaign “In Black Against Violence” together. Through this initiative the local governments of A Coruña, Ames, Cangas, Carballo, Compostela, Ferrol, Lugo, Poio, Pontevedra, Ribadeo, Sada, Sarria, Teo, Tui, Vilalba and Zas wanted to place with force and forever the fight against male violence in the political agenda.

Spot (2’):